

Dear WIGS members,

The on-line booking form for our annual members' conference is now available! It is our Silver Jubilee year and we are delighted to include a celebratory keynote address by founder Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly.

Please follow this link to access the booking form:

and the latest version of the programme and accommodation suggestions are attached to this message.  They will appear on the WIGS website soon.

Although the booking form is open until 30 October, the organisers would be much obliged if you could fill it out earlier to assist with our planning!

Please note the following points:

 - the conference dinner is limited to 50 places, so book soon to avoid disappointment!

 - there are discounted conference rates for PG students (available on the booking form) and we will try to find cheaper accommodation options (like a sofa!) for PG students who request this (contact Nina at [log in to unmask])

 - this is a members' only conference. If you still need to apply for membership please contact the Treasurer, Caroline Bland ([log in to unmask])

General conference queries should be directed to Nina Schmidt at [log in to unmask].

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Sheffield in November!

Best wishes,

Caroline & Nina

Dr Caroline Bland,
Senior Lecturer,
Germanic Studies,
School of Modern Languages and Linguistics. 
Jessop West, 1 Upper Hanover Street.
University of Sheffield. 
Sheffield S3 7RA.
Tel: (+44) 0114 222 4592