

Forwarding this also to TB-support. 
I don't want to scaremonger as I don't know that anything bad will actually happen - (and also I don't want to put people off upgrading anything next week for example) … its  just that since today is also a CERN holiday with many people there away - I am just advising caution and if you do try and see "Missing Dependency" errors then you know why…


Begin forwarded message:

From: Wahid Bhimji <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: a warning - do not autoupdate your DPM...
Date: 5 September 2013 11:01:13 BST
To: [log in to unmask]
Reply-To: Wahid Bhimji <[log in to unmask]>


As mentioned in the storage meeting - DPM 1.8.7 is about to be released and most of the components move into EPEL only (the metapackage and yaim remain in EMI) .

I am going to update soon - possibly tomorrow - however I notice from the current discussion between the DPM and EMI teams that there are currently still some conflicts. These will get resolved I'm sure but meanwhile I thought I ought to warn you . I would strongly recommend not to update your DPM in the next couple of days. Nor any component that depends on DPM libraries: including the WN. This is only for the next couple of days (I hope).
Similarly it would be best not to have your machines autoupdate these packages - that is generally good advice but I thought worth a warning now - most likely they would just not update until everything appears in the right place (because of missing dependencies) but again just to be sure.

Cheers for now.


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