

Hi All,

I've just upgraded all my workers, CREAM CE and Torque to SL/EMI3 and 
I'm having some problems with Atlas pilot jobs. One set of workers seem 
to run OK but another set (C6145s) are failing. I'm not certain yet as 
to whether this is due to the hardware difference or if something 
happened this morning across the board and I'm just seeing jobs 
submitted to the one set of hardware, but anyway: Has anyone seen this 
error before?

Put error: 
/usr/bin/voms-proxy-info: line 36: 11195 Aborted java 

This is all I seem to be able to get as the logs aren't transferred. Can 
anyone shed light on this??

Note that the same puppet scripts were used for both sets of machines 
and they look the same as far as I can tell. I've also transferred a 
proxy and used voms-proxy-info without issue as root...



P.S. a typical job is:*&jobsetID=45920958&user=gangarbt&days=1