

Dear Candis,

 the link given by Quentin is correct, and the "help" covers basic functionality even if not necessarily extensively. I honestly remembered it as being in English, I guess we should create a basic intro guide.

Some things like creating categories and assigning colours may not be in there (under "preferences"), as may not specifics like that you need to select nodes to include them in each new analysis step, or the extent to which you may wish to shrink image files used for background. (The "create new analysis window" also seems to be an underused feature).

I believe starting up and trying a few things is the best way to begin, but if you have questions please don't hesitate to ask.

I apologise for not replying earlier - I have been away and received your mail from Lars/Alex a pair of days ago. We probably should list primary contact person for each software. For JASS, that would be me.

Daniel Koch
PhD | Researcher | Teacher
Director of Research Studies
KTH School of Architecture
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

On 2013-09-23 13:54, Quentin Letesson wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
Dear Candis,

If I'm not mistaken you can find a Swedish guide to JASS here:
(look in the 'download' section, folder 'help', file 'help')

The software is very intuitive though so you should be able to use without
the manual.


Dear Space Syntax Community,
Would anyone be able to direct me to a functioning link for downloading
Mindwalk? The links ending in .br do not seem to currently be working.
In addition, does anyone have access to or has anyone seen a guide/manual
for JASS - in English or Swedish? I don't speak Swedish but I would
consider putting a document through Google Translate if I needed to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!