

Three additions to the list of BERA 2013 presentations on the 3&4th September at the University of Sussex that  I sent round on the 1st September and are in our archives at:

The additions include:

Marie Huxtable's individual papers:

a) Developing inclusive educational theory practice and provision from an educational perspective:

b) How do I contribute to improving educational theory, practice and provision through developing my living-theory-praxis?

Mark Potts', Steve Coombs' and Jack Whitehead's joint paper: Developing Cultural Empathy And The Living Global Citizenship Agenda: The Social Role And Impact Of Technology In Supporting Global Partnerships:

I've added these presentations to the list at:

and the urls include the videos of the presentations on 'A Living Logic for Educational Research' and 'Developing Cultural Empathy And The Living Global Citizenship Agenda: The Social Role And Impact Of Technology In Supporting Global Partnerships'.

Do let me have any urls to your writings if you would like them to be circulated from .

Joy Mounter and Marie Huxtable have submitted their paper on: 
'Improving Practice as a Headteacher Through Living-Theory Research and Communicating Meanings of Embodied Values' 

to the multi-media,  Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTS) and if you wish you could access the paper and participate in the open review process from:

Love Jack.