

Dear Colleagues

Thanks again to those who have already completed our 2013 exam survey.

Having this data will give us more credibility when we are involved in discussions and debates about issues such as assessment, so we really appreciate your input.

We will be closing the survey at 5pm this Friday, 6th September so if you have the time, we would really appreciate it if you would complete the survey before then.

Here is the link again...


IOE Confucius Institute Team

From: Chinese Networks
Sent: 30 August 2013 16:59
To: 'Mandarin Chinese Teaching'
Subject: IOE Confucius Institute: 2013 Chinese exam results data capture


Dear Colleagues

If you have already completed our online survey about 2013 exam result, thank you. If not, please read on.....

I am writing to send you the link for our survey on 2013 exam results (GCSE/IGCSE, AS A2, IB and Pre-U).

Like last year, we are very keen to collect the results from all schools teaching Chinese qualifications, so that we can use this data to discuss progress and address any issues.

We would really like to get a better national picture of what is going on. Then we can share the stats with you. Any data submitted will be used anonymously, and you can rest assured that what you send us will be confidential.

Please click the link below to complete the survey.

Many thanks


Katharine Carruthers
IOE Confucius Insitute for Schools