

Dear colleagues,

after all the invitations to exciting sessions at the upcoming GSA and 
AGU meetings, we would like to draw your attention to a possibility to 
publish the work you are most likely presenting there in a topical 
"*special collection*" in the MSA journal *American Mineralogist*. The 
concept is different from the classical special volume and has many 
advantages that makes a submission to the collection very attractive!

*For those of you, who are not familiar with the concept of the MSA 
special collections, I will give you a short description on how this works:*
Basically you submit your manuscript as usual via the Allentrack system 
of AmMin. During the submission process you have the option to assign 
your manuscript to the special collection. The review process will be 
the same as for all other manuscripts and papers are being published in 
regular AmMin issues as they are ready to go, so there is *no delay in 
publication*. The main difference is, that your paper will get an 
additional heading and footnote indicating that this contribution is 
part of the special collection. Therefore it will be also grouped in the 
table of contents together with other papers of the collection being 
published in the same issue. More important, and I think this is what 
makes it really interesting, all special collection *papers are grouped 
electronically* both on the AmMin and MSA website and in the most common 
search engines such as web of science. In other words, someone looking 
for a paper in the special collection will be also directed to your 
paper which *enhances the visibility of your paper* to the people of 
interest significantly. Thus, the collection is virtually growing over time.
The *special collection stays open for 2-3 years* and we hope that we 
can *continuously get manuscripts being published* during this period. 
Currently, there are several special collections ongoing for all 
different kinds of topics.

Interested in publishing in one of the special collections? Please visit for more detailed 

The special collection we would like to encourage you to submit the work 
that relates to transport processes is as follows:

    Mechanisms, rates, and timescales of geochemical transport processes
    in the crust and mantle

We announce a special collection of/American Mineralogist/based on 
recent and forthcoming conference sessions on kinetically and transport 
controlled geochemical processes in the middle and lower crust and 
mantle.  Currently the element fluxes and timescales of atmospheric, 
sedimentary, and volcanic processes can be measured, but similar 
knowledge of mid-crustal to mantle processes remains elusive. We solicit 
papers on the description and quantitative interpretation of spatial 
patterns in mineral occurrence (especially metasomatic zoning), in 
mineral texture, and in the chemical and isotopic compositions of 
minerals that constrain the mechanisms (e.g., diffusion vs. advection), 
rates, and timescales of the controlling phenomena.  Contributions from 
field and experimental studies, as well as theory and modeling, are welcome.

The section will include both invited and contributed papers on the 
topic.  The Associate Editors for this special section are Thomas 
Mueller, Ralf Milke, and John Ferry.  Please use the subject area tag 
"Geochemical Transport" when submitting your paper via the Allentrack 
submission system and look for the special collection name in the drop 
down list.

We are looking forward to receive your submissions! Please do not 
hesitate to contact one of us in case you have any questions regarding 
the special collection!

Thomas Müller, Ralf Milke & John Ferry

Dr. Thomas Mueller
Juniorprofessor / Assistant Professor

Institute of Geology, Mineralogy&  Geophysics
Ruhr-University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150; Gebäude NA 03/586
D-44801 Bochum

Phone: +49 (234) 322-3522
Fax:   +49 (234) 321-4433
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