
On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 4:54 PM, wolf zinke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

If I understand you correctly you could do this with fslroi:
fslroi  orig4Ddata max_subset $((m-1)) 3
I hope this help,


On 01/09/13 14:21, Moran Artzi wrote:
Dear experts,
I have a 4D data with 50 volumes.
I want to create a new 4D value contains:
The volume with maximum intensity (mean value of the entire brain)  + - 2 volumes.

I found the max volume using:
fslmaths orig4Ddata.nii.gz -Tmaxn maxVol
m=`fslstats maxVol -P 50`  

After splitting my orig 4D file (using fslsplit orig4Ddata), Is it possible to assign these volumes (m-1; m ; m+1) using the shell scripting, and save than as a new 4D file?

Thanks a lot