

Call for Papers.

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,, Tampa, FL, USA, April 8-12, 2014.

Sessions: 1) Cities and Urban Regions in the Americas; 2)
 International (Planning) Institutions and/or International Urban and Planning Issues.

Organizers: Joel  Outtes, GEST- Group for the Study of Societies and Territories, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, email [log in to unmask] and Betty Smith, Eastern Illinois University, USA, email: [log in to unmask]

Deadline for proposal to our session: September 25, 2013.

We invite paper proposals for a session on urban topics in the Americas and/or international institutions to take place at the annual meeting of the AAG ( in Tampa, FL, USA, April 8-12, 2014. Papers might  explore, but not be limited to

Economic restructuring and its spatial 
Changing urban morphology 
Transnational linkages
Urban  hierarchies
Historic city centers
Urban historical geography
Ethnic  neighborhoods
City planning in the Americas
Criminality, urban gangs and  the Geography of illegal territories
The informal  sector
Intra-metropolitan mobility
The politics of urban environmental  problems
Population Issues
Informal transportation and
 social conflicts
Participatory budget and  urban social movements
Urban social geography
The International Planning Movement
The Urban International: the spatiality of international  institutions such as 
the IFHP-International Federation for Housing and Planning,  UCLG-United Cities 
and Local Governments, IULA-International Union of Local  Authorities and 
IHA-International Housing Association alone or in Comparative  Perspective 

Please remember that participants must register and pay fees by October 23, 2014 (cheapest rate); please only apply to be in the session (05 papers maximun per session, there can be a series of sessions) if you are sure you will make the conference. If you are interested in be part of the session/s please  send us your abstract and then (if you prefer after we aprove it) register and later send us your pin number whenever / as soon as possible.

Thanks and all our best wishes,

Joel  Outtes, GEST- Group for the Study of Societies and Territories, UFRGS, email [log in to unmask] 
Betty Smith, Eastern Illinois University, email: [log in to unmask]