Hi Matilda,

In France, roman cemeteries are often linked with ditch, where mostly horse bones are found. They correspond to squaring wastes. If the ditch is levelled, you might find only bones in alignment.

Thierry ARGANT

Le 1 août 2013 à 14:49, Matilda Holmes a écrit :

Hi all
I have an interesting deposit of cattle bones from a 4th century Roman cemetery site in Oxfordshire. They were apparently placed in an alignment c.50m long and 30cm wide, that marked the boundary of the cemetery. Although all skeletal elements are present, they do not seem to have been articulated at the time of deposition, when they were simply laid out on the ground.

I am putting this out there in case any of you have experience of anything similar? A basic search of the literature suggests that there is nothing obvious, but there is nothing like going straight to the specialists themselves!!
