

The third annual Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers conference (SAfJR 2014)


The University of Warwick is proudly hosting the third annual Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers conference, an event aimed at career-young researchers with an interest in the statistical analysis of time-to-event data and related topics. It is the ideal opportunity for statisticians and PhD or post-graduate students to present and discuss their work with likeminded researchers in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The conference will take place 3rd - 4th April 2014 in Coventry (UK).


The event features lectures from two keynote speakers, Hein Putter (“Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis”) and Dimitris Rizopoulos (“Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data”), as well as poster sessions and an evening social. Presentation sessions will be attended by statisticians and lecturers from the University of Warwick, experienced in the application and theory of survival analysis, to aid constructive and lively discussion.


To our knowledge, this will be the biggest gathering of survival analysis researchers in 2014 in the UK. In Europe, it will probably be eclipsed by the XXVII International Biometric Conference. So if you want to hear and talk about survival analysis in 2014, this is the (second) best place to be!


You can find more information about the conference on our homepage ( ), send an e-mail ([log in to unmask] ) or find us on Facebook ( ) and Twitter ( ). Registration and abstract submission are now open.

The registration fee of £200 includes residential accommodation for one night, all meals and the evening programme.