

Hello Hauke!

Thanks for your fast reply!

I created parametric modulators as you  proposed. This works fine for two
modulators per condition but not for three, the 4th column in my design
matrix is empty (attached). Do you have an idea where this comes from?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hauke Hillebrandt <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 2013/8/13
Subject: Re: [SPM] GLM DCM parameter estimability
To: [log in to unmask]

Create parametric modulators that mimic conventional t-contrasts with
single regressors in your first level GLM.

This is  mathematically identical (will give you the same results) and the
contrasts will be orthogonal to each other. It will also allow you to use
your first contrast as a single driving input to the DCM.