Looks like this lot probably have!


The data is available to download, in Google Earth formats. http://www.msocrepository.co.uk/





PS my rights of way (CAMS) colleagues say that unfortunately there is no way of answering your question reliably from existing PRoW databases, as there is no shared typology/thesaurus of furniture types, and material is not recorded in a structured way.

I’ve not checked how well these are covered in the EH TMT, but perhaps we could do them a favour?


From: Issues related to Historic Environment Records [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Gurney, David
Sent: 16 August 2013 11:31
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Friday Question - concrete public footpath markers


Has anyone recorded any cast concrete public footpath markers like the example attached (at Ludham, Norfolk)?

According to our PROW and Highways people they are pretty rare in Norfolk, but I think that I’ve seen one or two elsewhere (Leeds Castle, Kent).

We suspect 1950s or 1960s, and installed either by parish councils or the Rural District Councils.

Having done some work on milestones in Norfolk we seem to be moving into recording other types of heritage assets on the highways and byways, including finger posts and other signage that has somehow escaped various “decluttering” and “improvement” projects.




David Gurney

Historic Environment Manager (County Archaeologist)

Environment, Transport and Development

Norfolk County Council


Tel:  01362 869280

Mob: 07810 181548







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