Dear FSL experts,

  I would like to perform the voxelwise cross subject statistics  to assess the relationship between FA, AD, and RD and performance scores of the infants (pre-terms and term infants) BSITD-III for our DTI cohort. I have two concerns:

1) For applying the tbss on the non-FA images (I want to input the MD images), how do I  input all the subject MD images? after I am done with the tbss analysis on the FA data. Is
inside the tbss, does the tbss_non_FA command will automatically read it as non-FA images?

2) For the randomize, since I'll be correlating the pre-term infant's FA and MD images to their mean BSITD-III scores,how can I incorporate the BSITD-III scores inside the model? is it going to be the paired t test or unpaired one?

I'd highly appreciate your feedback on this.

