Dear Jesper,

I have uploaded a file called: JacksonSmith.07_08_2013.applytopup_abort_trap_6.tar.gz

With all the data that I used to run topup and applytopup.

Sorry, I assumed that I had some boneheaded syntax problem, therefore I posted in the FSL Listserve.

Thanks for your help,

Dept of Phys, Anat and Gen
University of Oxford
Sherrington Bld, Parks Rd
Oxford, OX1 3PT
United Kingdom

Tel: 01865 282274
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From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Jesper Andersson [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 07 August 2013 13:48
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [FSL] applytopup abort trap 6

Dear Jackson,

I am trying something a little unorthodox. I am attempting to use topup and applytopup to correct distortions in T1 structural images. For that, I have a pair of images, scanned in sequence. But they have opposite readout directions.

topup runs smoothly and produces a fieldcoef file that I can look at with fslview. However, when running applytopup I receive these error messages:

 libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
 Abort trap: 6

The sequence of commands that I used are:

 topup --imain=LR_RL.nii.gz --datain=acqparams.txt --config=topup_b02b0.cnf --out=topup.LR_RL -v

 applytopup --imain=struct.LR.nii.gz,struct.RL.nii.gz --inindex=1,2 --datain=acqparams.txt --topup=topup.LR_RL --out=struct.applytopup --method=jac

Using the following input:

 struct.LR – Structural image with one readout direction.
 struct.RL – Structural image with the opposite readout direction.
 LR_RL – 4D volume. struct.RL appended after struct.LR, in time.
 acqparams.txt – 0 -1 0 1 <newline> 0 1 0 1
 topup_b02b0.cnf – A custom config file that is normally used for diffusion weighted data.

Your command above looks kosher so I would need to have a closer look to figure out what is going on.

Can you please upload all the data referred to on your applytopup command line (so that I can run the exact same command here) using the following link

? And please send me an email with the name of the tarball when the data is uploaded. 

Also, I don't think Karla is reading the FSL mail base so can you please CC her on mails regarding these issues?


Am I suffering from a simple syntactic error, or something more problematic? Note that the labels LR and RL do not refer to the readout directions.

Kind regards,
Jackson Smith