

Thanks Yuriy and Pavel,

at this resolution one would expect R/Rfree to be ~ 10-11%/12-13% assuming
you applied anisotropic B-factor refinement ( and probably having  a low
symmetry SG).
R merge of 80% may be OK if I/sig for high res shell is >2.

Yes, I used anisotropic Bfactors and the space group is P1 21 1.  However,
the I/sig is only 1.5 in the highest shell.   Cutting the data such that
the I/sig is >2 has improved the R factors.  Thank you.

Maps get worse.... Could it be when you use all resolution range you get
59% of missing reflections in highest resolution shell filled in with DFc
for the purpose of map calculation?

Yes! the map that I was looking at was filled.


On 27 August 2013 09:49, Emily Golden <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have collected diffraction images to 1 Angstrom resolution to the edge
> of the detector and 0.9A to the corner.    I collected two sets, one for
> low resolution reflections and one for high resolution reflections.
> I get 100% completeness above 1A and 41% completeness in the 0.9A-0.95A
> shell.
> However, my Rmerge in the highest shelll is not good, ~80%.
> The Rfree is 0.17 and Rwork is 0.16 but the maps look very good.   If I
> cut the data to 1 Angstrom the R factors improve but I feel the maps are
> not as good and I'm not sure if I can justify cutting data.
> So my question is,  should I cut the data to 1Angstrom or should I keep
> the data I have?
> Also, taking geometric restraints off during refinement the Rfactors
> improve marginally, am I justified in doing this at this resolution?
> Thank you,
> Emily