The revolutionary culture of the early seventies is now examined in the film Judy Chicago & the California Girls", already owned by hundreds of universities and museums in the US and abroad.  This award-winning documentary offers an important view of Second Wave Feminism,  the birth of the Women's Art Movement in the United States, and an important view of feminist pedagogy.
 A glance at the website will show you the film's broad relevance to courses and research in art, gender studies, and the history of social movements in general. Highlights include Judy discussing female imagery, a talk by the feminist theorist Ti-Grace Atkinson, early performance art, and a true time capsule of an art world and society in flux.  This film is also part of the Judy Chicago Art Education Collection at the University of Pennsylvania.
Says Judy Chicago biographer Gail Levin: "'Judy Chicago & the California Girls' is a lively and engaging documentary on a significant moment in the history of feminist art and pedagogy. Filmmaker Judith Dancoff gets lots of credit for recognizing and preserving a unique moment in the history of American art."
Licensed streams of this film may be purchased for 3 or 5 years and in-perpetuity, or you may purchase a DVD.  Please contact us for prices for commercial bookings.  The filmmaker is also available for campus visits at reasonable rates.
Take a look at and enjoy the clips!
Judith Dancoff
California Girl Productions
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Tel. 323-225-5633
For up to date information on forthcoming workshops and free visits please see the online ARLIS/UK & Ireland Events Calendar 2013 at