



Clinical benefits we have found are:

1)      Baby arrives on NNU, having foetal scalp, and cord blood gases available before baby arrives helps the team in assessing the baby.

2)      Person comes into ED has blood gases, moved to acute ward then onto a medical ward, as patient moves, all staff involved in their care pathway see all results without the need to hunt/trawl through files and notes.

3)      Quality assurance, audit trail, wait until you get your Trust gets its first complaint and POCT test were done, they will soon see the benefits.

All our POCT tests have POCT in front of them, e.g. POCT Glu, POCT INR etc.


Hope this helps



Samantha Ekin

POCT Co-ordinator
Direct dial tel: 0161 419 5628


Department of Laboratory Medicine
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Pathology, Stepping Hill Hospital
Poplar Grove
Stockport. SK2 7JE



From: ACB Point-of-Care Testing [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Steven John Mccann
Sent: 27 August 2013 15:03
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Including POCT results in your HIS


I can’t believe someone asked you that question.


Reasons for keeping a hard/electronic copy are proper documentation and audit. You can then audit various locations and the results, are they using the kit often enough are the results having an impact.


As usual the result have to be identified as POCT preferentially from the appropriate location….


From: ACB Point-of-Care Testing [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Vaughan Natalie (RC9) Luton & Dunstable Hospital FT
Sent: 27 August 2013 14:53
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Including POCT results in your HIS


Dear All,


I have been making a lot of progress with a project to ensure POCT results from our blood gas analysers and blood glucose meters enter our hospital information system and have our Director of Information Management & Technology onside.  I have now suddenly been asked why these should go into the same system as other pathology results and not 'somewhere else'.  And indeed why this should be done at all as the 'whole point of POCT is that you get a result there and then'.  My business case of course addresses a lot of this but I wondered if others who have achieved this could give me some back up!


If you have achieved this could you tell me:


1) Are the results in a HIS alongside other Pathology results, but clearly identified as POCT tests?

2) Any other useful arguments/information you think I might have missed from my business case?


Kind Regards



Natalie Vaughan (nee Smith)

Clinical Biochemist & POCT Supervisor

Ext 7969

01582 497969


To contact the POCT team please call:

Ext 7991 or 01582 497991