Hi all,


When trying to apply DARTEL deformations to a coregistered image in SPM12 using the ‘Deformations’ batch module with a ‘Composition’ that includes a DARTEL flow, I get:


Failed  'Deformations'

Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.

In file "/apps/spm/spm12b/spm_deformations.m" (v5506), function "get_dartel" at line 205.

In file "/apps/spm/spm12b/spm_deformations.m" (v5506), function "get_job" at line 80.

In file "/apps/spm/spm12b/spm_deformations.m" (v5506), function "get_comp" at line 48.

In file "/apps/spm/spm12b/spm_deformations.m" (v5506), function "spm_deformations" at line 17.


This persists when when all other Deformation fields are removed from the ‘Composition’. Is this a bug?


When I use SPM8 for this it runs OK but I  does not yield sensible normalised (w*)  images - my test coregistered image has an obvious rotation which isn’t corrected . I’ve included in the Composition the y_* Deformation field and the u_* DARTEL flow. Changing their order and changing between backward and forward for the flow doesn’t help. Can anyone help?






Leighton Barnden PhD,

Department of Nuclear Medicine,

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital,

Adelaide, South Australia