

I've been going through our processing steps for FA/MD and fMRI data, which were warped to MNI space via u_rc1* DARTEL flow fields using DARTEL Tools > Normalize to MNI and set with a resulting voxel size of 3mm3 for the fMRI data.  The FA/MD data were previously coregistered and resliced to the original T1 data that was fed into DARTEL.  The fMRI data, however, was only coregistered given its larger voxel size and desire not to reslice these data.  

Is it kosher to apply the DARTEL transforms for normalization to MNI on coregistered only data (i.e., coregistered only to rc1* T1 images)?  


Jeff Browndyke, Ph.D.
Clinical & Research Neuropsychologist
Durham VA & Duke University Medical Centers

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office: (919) 286-0411 ext. 4656
cell:    (336) 264-4222