

Dear Brian - good to see that your new book on 'Knowing Through Poetic Reflection' is now available. I've just ordered it through Amazon and looking forward to reading and responding.

Dear All - The 'Researching Our Own Practice' Colloquium at Liverpool Hope University is taking place this week from the 25-26 July.

Joan Walton has already summarised some of the contributions at and you can access these summaries and contributions in the Papers section. Looking forward to participating and contributing to what emerges and to seeing the members of the e-seminar who are also contributing to the Colloquium.

I've updated the Living Theory section of with Nicole Lee Scott's Master of Technology Dissertation from Durban University of Technology at .

You can also access the following from the What's New section of .

i) 1:03:49 hour video presentation on 'Living-educational-theories' at Oranim College in Israel, on the 8th July 2013 at , organised by Anat Geller.

ii) 49:32 minute video presentation on 'Multi-media narratives' at Oranim College in Israel, on the 8th July 2013 at , organised by Anat Geller .

iii) 23:35 minute video presentation of a keynote on 'Research and Practice' to the 6th International Conference on Teacher Education, at the MOFET Institute in Tel Aviv, on the 4th July 2013.

iv) 40:58 minute video of a keynote on 'Action Research and Living-Theory' on 30 June 2013, to a Microsoft sponsored seminar organised by HOPE (Help Our People) in Mauritius at:

v)   The outline and detailed schedules, 20-24 MAY 2013, with videos for the 5 day Workshop on 'Action Research for Teachers', in Bangkok, under the Project for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented Teachers at the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education of Thailand.

Do keep sending urls for your websites or individual accounts and I'll include them in the 'other homepages of interest' section of action . If you submitted proposals for AERA 2014, by yesterday's deadline, do please send them in and I'll link them to the What's New section of . Marie Huxtable is continuously updating the international CPD project on 'Living Values, Improving Practice Cooperatively' and you can access the web-site at:

I know Marie would welcome suggestions on how to improve the usefulness of the site and for any details of resources you think should be made available from the site.

Love Jack.