

It was excellent to see so much policing research presented at the British Society of Criminology conference at Wolverhampton University last week. 

We had a very useful, if somewhat short, Policing Network meeting that covered the following topics: 

•	A Policing Network one-day seminar in London in the autumn to tie-in with the launch of Prof Jennifer Brown’s edited book (The Future of Policing, which is itself tied-in with the publication of the findings of the Independent Police Commission)

•	To establish a Policing Network prize to acknowledge and celebrate excellence in policing research and scholarship by members of the BSC. This prize will be awarded to an individual who (i)  is the sole author of a peer reviewed journal or book, (ii)  published within the last twelve months, (iii) that has significantly contributed to the advancement of policing. There would be no monetary value associated with the prize.

•	To establish a Policing Network PhD/ECR prize to acknowledge and celebrate excellence in policing research and scholarship by early career (i.e. postgrad or within 5 yrs of being awarded their PhD) members of the BSC. This prize will be awarded to an early career individual who has sole -authored an excellent peer reviewed  journal publication on a policing topic in the last twelve months. The prize will constitute £200.

•	To invest funds in upgrading the Policing Network website to allow for a directory of member interests and other features.

•	To develop facilities and resources for postgrads – including ideas for a summer school, developing a more comprehensive section of the website for PGs, facilitating better contact between PGs and staff/practitioners/jobs.

•	Developing links with practitioners, the Police Foundation, the HE Forum, and other relevant groups.

If you have any suggestions or comments relating to any of the above then please let me know by end July. Equally, if you would like to get involved in developing any of the above then we’d be delighted to hear from you.