

Barry, Bust a gut to see Wake in Fright. It stands out from this pack. Aggressive mateship on display, Jack Thompson's first film. There is a play version now showing - do plays 'show'? - in Melbourne's La Mama courthouse theatre in Carlton which has been well reviewed. Razorback I have not seen but like Wake, is based on a Kenneth Cook novel. 


On 16/07/2013, at 3:02 AM, Barry Alpert <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I haven't yet sorted out this series from the perspective of which films might prompt cine-poems from me, but quite a few chances to witness movies of which I had been previously unaware.  Recommendations appreciated and overall evaluations of the series welcome.  Note the official sponsorship by the Australian Embassy here in Wash DC, though what person(s) functioned as  curator remains unknown to me.
> Barry