

Well, Melbourne in June always seemed fine to me....

But, I get it, Max...

On 2013-07-09, at 3:20 PM, Max Richards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  Melbourne Winter
> Sprawled luxuriating
> in this warm king-size 
> bed while outside Melbourne's 
> winter makes folk grumble,
> I smile to myself: who's
> so infuriating
> as to criticize
> the weather! humble
> yourselves, guys.
> And stay inside in bed.
> They say We have to work,
> shop, and exercise.
> Wrap up then, and shut up.
> The sun still crosses the skies.
> Sunlit clouds today - I saw them
> mount up like mashed potatoes. 
> Sunset - gelato excess
> of lurid tastelessness.
> As the cold set in I fled
> to this double-doona bed.

Douglas Barbour
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Latest books: 
Continuations & Continuations 2 (with Sheila E Murphy)
Recording Dates
(Rubicon Press)

Art is always the replacing of indifference by attention.
                        Guy Davenport