

International symposium: "The digital subject: In-scription, Ex-scription, Tele-scription"
University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, Archives nationales, November
18-21, 2013

Organizers :
Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Department of philosophy, LLCP, SPHERE, EA 4008)
Claire Larsonneur (Department of anglophone studies, Le Texte Étranger,
Arnaud Regnauld (Department of anglophone studies, CRLC - Research Center
on Literature and Cognition, EA1569)

This symposium is part of a long-term project, "The digital subject,"
endorsed by the LABEX Arts-H2H ( and follows
a first symposium on Hypermnesia held in 2012.  We are exploring the ways
in which digital tools, be they real or fictional, from Babbage to
Internet, have altered our conception of the subject and its
representations, affecting both its status and its attributes. We welcome
contributions from the following fields : philosophy, literature, arts,
archivistics, neurosciences, and the history of science and technology.

The working languages will be French and English. Contributions may be
submitted in either language and should not exceed 3000 characters. Please
enclose a brief bio-bibliographical note.

Please submit your abstracts via EasyChair:
Do not forget to upload your document in PDF format.

For further information, you may write to [log in to unmask].
Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2013.
Contributors will be informed of the scientific committee's decision by
October 1, 2013.

Opening keynote by Mark Amerika: Nov. 18th, 8-10:30 PM at Conservatoire
National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique
Keynote Speakers : Jean-Luc Nancy, Bertrand Gervais (UQAM, Montréal),
Wendy Chun (Brown University), Laurent Cohen (Salpêtrière INSERM).

How is writing revisited by digital media? In what ways does the digital
turn affect the three dimensions embedded in writing: the production of an
artefact, the crafting of meaning and the advent of the subject? We aim at
investigating this new field of research from a variety of points of view
such as philosophy, arts, neurosciences and archiving and welcome
contributions from researchers in all those fields.
With digital technologies writing shifts from paper to a screen or a
network of screens. But this is no move into a virtual world: writing is
still a gesture, the body is still at writing, still acting under a set of
constraints, just different ones. And that shift goes much further than a
rewriting of rules. It entails transcribing, usually through digital
duplicates or reencoding. It paves the way for what we might call
tele-scription, writing at a remove via a technical device, exposing the
fallacy of immediacy and introducing another strata of mediation in the
process of writing.
"Exscription passes through writing - and certainly not through the
ecstasies of flesh or meaning. And so we have to write from a body that we
neither have nor are, but where being is exscribed. If I write, this
strange hand has already slipped into my writing hand." (Jean-Luc Nancy,
Corpus, Richard A. Rand trans., New York, NY: Fordham UP, 2008, p.19).
Writing ex-scribes. Works from another edge. Of course writing is about
describing things or states of affairs but it also points to another
dimension, that of exscription. Can digital tele-scription be viewed as a
form of exscription, spacing out the subject as posited by Nancy or
Derrida? Or is digital tele-scription to be understood in the light of the
changes it introduces in our relationship to time, and from there on,
explored as an entirely novel phenomenon? Will it bring about a radical
upheaval of the relations between such notions as writing, technology, the
body, the subject?
Digital writing is a brand new world we are barely beginning to explore.
See for instance all the second-thoughts of writing, the words crossed
out, erased and overwritten, all the editing process which we now keep
track of: our traces and drafts are no longer set in their ways but
potentially continuously evolving. Will such an instability affect how the
subject relates to the traces she leaves, the meanings she construes, her
own definition of self? Digital media also revisits our distinction
between the original and the copy: once digitized, the trace we inscribe
may be reproduced ad libitum, much like a manuscript fans out through the
production of fac-similes. That trace may also be augmented through
tagging, commentaries and linking. Inscription is no longer the one-off
act of a single author but a process entailing various forms of
reencoding, transposing, adding, categorising, a whole array of human and
technological interventions. Or take this emblematic sign of personal
identity, the signature, and see how it is now interfaced and multiform.
What used to be the most intimate, chosen mark of our self is now devolved
to sets of electronic sequences, usually encoded, sometimes automatically
generated, at times delegated, occasionally even produced without our
prior knowledge. This is no trifling matter: will the subject, through
these new technologies of self-inscription, turn into an avatar? What new
interplay between the individual and the institutions (libraries,
archives, universities) arises through this collective writing process?
One may also consider the legal consequences for the atomised self, who
finds herself encoded into binary data within the cloud, and whose history
is archived and exposed publicly to an extent she may not control. How is
tele-scription played out in fiction, in arts or in our daily activities
(such as email)? Where does it come from? How and why was it established?
What are its uses? And crucially, what does it change -if indeed it
changes anything- in the relation of the subject and her body to writing?
Could tele-scription renew our understanding of what constitutes a
In-scription then. Or re-inscription. While writing shifts to the screen,
another major contemporary trend, fuelled by the advances of neuroscience
and medical imagery, re-ascribes the advent of meaning to the body, more
specifically to the brain which is to be made legible. Reading the mind by
reading the brain, drawing from what we can now access in terms of
neuronal activity, this is largely today's scientific agenda. A number of
recent experiments in neuroscience focus on imagination and on how humans
craft fiction. Some may try to catch what we do as we dream, or as we let
our thoughts roam free; some intend to detect lie; some strive to build a
"brain reading machine" which would ideally display on screen all that
goes on inside our minds. It all rests upon the assumption that who the
person really is, her intentions, the images she likes, her biases, even
that part of her she may not be aware of, are inscribed in her brain, set
into patterns we do not have direct access to but that a machine may read
and decipher. What is happening in the field of neuroscience and how is it
echoed in fiction? For fiction - literature, the cinema, philosophical
thought experiments, all these traditions that largely pre-date
neuroscience - provide us with the tools to explore the workings of the
mind through the body of the subject. How can we make sense of this
re-inscription, being contemporary to digital tele-scription?

Tags:  subject, self, brain, mind, digital technologies, writing,
signature, annotation, imagery.

Appel à contributions / Call for papers 
Colloque international :"Le sujet digital: in-scription, ex-scription,
télé-scription" / International symposium : "The digital subject :
in-scription, ex-scription, tele-scription"
Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis - Archives Nationales
18 novembre - 21 novembre 2013

Organisateurs :
Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Département de philosophie, LLCP, SPHERE)
Claire Larsonneur (Département d'études des pays anglophones, Le Texte
Étranger, EA1569)
Arnaud Regnauld (Département d'études des pays anglophones, CRLC, EA1569)

Ce colloque s'inscrit dans un projet pluri-annuel Labex Arts H2H "le sujet
digital" (, dont il est le deuxième moment
après le colloque Hypermnésie en 2012. Il s'agit d'explorer comment le
développement réel ou imaginaire des machines numériques, de Babbage à
Internet, modifie la conception du sujet et ses représentations, dans son
statut comme dans ses attributs. Pluridisciplinaire, ce projet accueille
des contributions des champs suivants : philosophie, littérature,
archivistique, arts, histoire des sciences et techniques, neurosciences.

Les langues utilisées seront le français et l'anglais. Les contributions
peuvent être proposées dans l'une ou l'autre langue, en moins de 3000
signes, accompagnées d'une brève présentation biographique de l'auteur.

Merci d'envoyer vos propositions via EasyChair :
N'oubliez pas de télécharger le document au format PDF.

Pour  tout autre renseignement, merci de nous contacter à l'adresse
suivante: [log in to unmask]
Date limite de soumission des contributions : 15 septembre 2013
Réponse : 1er octobre 2013

Conférence d'ouverture de Mark Amerika le 18 novembre, 20h-22h30,
Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique
Conférences plénières de Jean-Luc Nancy, Bertrand Gervais (UQÀM,
Montréal), Wendy Chun (Brown University), Laurent Cohen (Salpêtrière
INSERM), James Williams

Texte de l'appel :

Comment le numérique recompose-t-il l'acte d'écriture, dans sa triple
acception de production d'objet, de façonnement du sens et d'avènement du
sujet ? Nous souhaitons explorer ce champ de recherche en mobilisant des
points de vue aussi divers que la philosophie, les lettres, les
neurosciences, l'archivistique.
  Le numérique déplace l'écriture, qui se trouve abstraite de son support
initial, le papier disons, et développée sur un autre médium, un écran, un
réseau d'écrans. Loin d'être dématérialisé, le geste d'écrire garde une
matière, un corps pour ainsi dire. Il reste des contraintes à
laquelle l'écriture est soumise, mais ce ne sont plus celles qui
réglaient l'écriture d'avant. Et ce déplacement, qui suppose dans bien des
cas une transcription (par duplication numérique ou réencodage), va bien
au delà de celle-ci. Il ouvre la voie à ce que l'on pourrait nommer
télé-scription, écriture à distance au travers d'un objet technique qui
ouvre entre le corps et l'écrit une dimension irréductible et projette
l'écrit dans un médium dont les règles sont autres. Introduisant une
médiation supplémentaire, contredisant une fois de plus le mythe du
rapport immédiat du sujet au sens.
  « L'excription passe par l'écriture - et certainement pas par des
extases de la chair ou du sens. Il faut donc écrire, depuis ce corps que
nous n'avons pas, et que nous ne sommes pas non plus : mais où l'être est
excrit - Si j'écris, cette main étrangère est déjà glissée dans ma main
qui écrit », notait Jean-Luc Nancy dans Corpus. L'écriture excrit. Elle
possède un autre bord. Il y a des états de choses que l'on décrit mais un
autre bord aussi où s'indique le sujet, le corps technique qui écrit. La
télé-scription, dans le numérique, peut-elle être considérée comme un
forme d'excription, d'espacement pour reprendre les termes de Jean-Luc
Nancy et de Jacques Derrida ? Ou bien par les modifications qu'elle
implique dans la temporalité notamment de l'écriture faut-il la poser à
part et y voir un phénomène nouveau, transformant radicalement les
relations entre les termes en question : écrit, corps, sujet,
  Nous ne faisons que commencer à appréhender l'étendue des effets de ces
nouvelles façons d'écrire. Prenons l'effacement possible des repentirs,
ratures et hésitations, tout le travail de la reprise de l'énoncé qui
introduit une instabilité des marques et des traces sans comparaison avec
le papier : comment cette labilité du sens affecte-t'elle le
rapport du sujet à l'empreinte qu'il laisse, au sens qu'il construit, à la
définition de soi qu'il en déduit ? Le numérique recompose aussi en
profondeur la distinction entre l'original et la copie : une fois
numérisée, la trace inscrite (par exemple un manuscrit) peut être
démultipliée par le jeu des fac-similés, mais aussi augmentée par un
appareil d'annotations et d'étiquettes et mise en réseau. Plus
exactement l'inscription s'ouvre à un processus de réencodage, des
transpositions, d'ajouts et de catégorisation qui ne met plus en jeu un
seul auteur mais une nébuleuse d'interventions humaines et machiniques à
des titres divers. Que dire enfin de la signature, cette marque
personnelle emblématique désormais interfacée, labile, reproductible à
l'infini ? Passer de la graphie intime, choisie à des formes de
signatures électroniques réduites à des séquences encodées, parfois prises
en charge automatiquement, parfois déléguées, parfois suscitées à l'insu
du signataire, n'est pas anodin. Pour le dire autrement, quid d'un sujet
devenu avatar grâce aux nouvelles technologies de l'image de soi ? Quelle
nouvelle configuration des rapports entre l'individu et les institutions
(la librairie, l'archive, l'université) instaurent-elles ? Qu'advient-il
du sujet juridique atomisé, encodé sous formes de données binaires dans le
cloud, dans des archives accessibles au public selon des échelles
variables, notamment en fonction des pays ?
  Téléscription donc dans la littérature, dans l'art, dans toutes sortes
de pratiques quotidiennes (plus que quotidiennes, le courrier
électronique par exemple). La téléscription sans doute, a une histoire.
D'où vient-elle ? Pourquoi et comment s'est-elle développée ? À quoi
sert-elle ? Et, surtout, que vient-elle changer (si elle change quoi que
ce soit) dans le rapport du sujet, du corps, à l'écrit ?
  Inscription enfin. Ou réinscription. En même temps que l'écriture se
transporte ainsi à l'écran, un autre mouvement illustré par les
neurosciences réassigne le sujet à son corps (forcément) signifiant, et à
son cerveau en particulier, qu'il s'agit de rendre lisible.  Un
certain nombre d'expériences récentes en neuroscience s'attaquent à
l'imagination ou, disons, à la capacité humaine à élaborer des fictions,
qu'il s'agisse de saisir nos rêves, un discours intérieur déconnecté de la
réalité, ou de détecter nos mensonges ou, plus largement, d'élaborer (un
but encore idéal) un lecteur du cerveau, capable d'afficher à
l'écran les images qui nous passeraient par la tête. La réalité de la
personne, ses intentions, les images qu'elle entretient, ses biais,
ceux-là qu'elle peut ignorer, se trouverait inscrite dans son cerveau, en
des caractères obscurs mais néanmoins lisibles par la machine, hors de
portée du sujet. Que se joue-t'il donc entre les neurosciences et la
fiction ? Ne faudrait-il pas finalement procéder à l'inverse et tenter
d'éclairer les neurosciences par la fiction ? Il est possible en effet de
chercher dans la fiction, la littérature, le cinéma ainsi que des
expériences de pensée en philosophie, bien antérieures au neurosciences,
toute une série d'antécédents à cette idée d'une capture de la vie mentale
dans le corps du sujet (son cerveau, son larynx dont les
mouvements exprimeraient une voix intérieure, etc.) ou d'étudier dans ces
mêmes fictions l'élaboration d'une identification de la personne à son
cerveau qui sous-tendrait alors les neurosciences. Comment
comprendre cette ré-inscription concomitante à la téléscription
contemporaine ?

Mots clefs : sujet, cerveau, esprit, nouvelles technologies, écriture,
signature, annotation, imagerie.

ENGLISH Call for papers
International symposium: "The digital subject:  In-scription,
Ex-scription, Tele-scription"
University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, Archives nationales, November
18-21, 2013

Organizers :
Pierre Cassou-Noguès (Department of philosophy, LLCP, SPHERE, EA 4008)
Claire Larsonneur (Department of anglophone studies, Le Texte Étranger,
Arnaud Regnauld (Department of anglophone studies, CRLC - Research Center
on Literature and Cognition, EA1569)

This symposium is part of a long-term project, "The digital subject,"
endorsed by the LABEX Arts-H2H ( and follows
a first symposium on Hypermnesia held in 2012.  We are exploring the ways
in which digital tools, be they real or fictional, from Babbage to
Internet, have altered our conception of the subject and its
representations, affecting both its status and its attributes. We welcome
contributions from the following fields : philosophy, literature, arts,
archivistics, neurosciences, and the history of science and technology.

The working languages will be French and English. Contributions may be
submitted in either language and should not exceed 3000 characters. Please
enclose a brief bio-bibliographical note.

Please submit your abstracts via EasyChair:
Do not forget to upload your document in PDF format.

For further information, you may write to [log in to unmask].
Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2013.
Contributors will be informed of the scientific committee's decision by
October 1, 2013.

Opening keynote by Mark Amerika: Nov. 18th, 8-10:30 PM at Conservatoire
National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique
Keynote Speakers : Jean-Luc Nancy, Bertrand Gervais (UQAM, Montréal),
Wendy Chun (Brown University), Laurent Cohen (Salpêtrière INSERM).

How is writing revisited by digital media? In what ways does the digital
turn affect the three dimensions embedded in writing: the production of an
artefact, the crafting of meaning and the advent of the subject? We aim at
investigating this new field of research from a variety of points of view
such as philosophy, arts, neurosciences and archiving and welcome
contributions from researchers in all those fields.
With digital technologies writing shifts from paper to a screen or a
network of screens. But this is no move into a virtual world: writing is
still a gesture, the body is still at writing, still acting under a set of
constraints, just different ones. And that shift goes much further than a
rewriting of rules. It entails transcribing, usually through digital
duplicates or reencoding. It paves the way for what we might call
tele-scription, writing at a remove via a technical device, exposing the
fallacy of immediacy and introducing another strata of mediation in the
process of writing.
"Exscription passes through writing - and certainly not through the
ecstasies of flesh or meaning. And so we have to write from a body that we
neither have nor are, but where being is exscribed. If I write, this
strange hand has already slipped into my writing hand." (Jean-Luc Nancy,
Corpus, Richard A. Rand trans., New York, NY: Fordham UP, 2008, p.19).
Writing ex-scribes. Works from another edge. Of course writing is about
describing things or states of affairs but it also points to another
dimension, that of exscription. Can digital tele-scription be viewed as a
form of exscription, spacing out the subject as posited by Nancy or
Derrida? Or is digital tele-scription to be understood in the light of the
changes it introduces in our relationship to time, and from there on,
explored as an entirely novel phenomenon? Will it bring about a radical
upheaval of the relations between such notions as writing, technology, the
body, the subject?
Digital writing is a brand new world we are barely beginning to explore.
See for instance all the second-thoughts of writing, the words crossed
out, erased and overwritten, all the editing process which we now keep
track of: our traces and drafts are no longer set in their ways but
potentially continuously evolving. Will such an instability affect how the
subject relates to the traces she leaves, the meanings she construes, her
own definition of self? Digital media also revisits our distinction
between the original and the copy: once digitized, the trace we inscribe
may be reproduced ad libitum, much like a manuscript fans out through the
production of fac-similes. That trace may also be augmented through
tagging, commentaries and linking. Inscription is no longer the one-off
act of a single author but a process entailing various forms of
reencoding, transposing, adding, categorising, a whole array of human and
technological interventions. Or take this emblematic sign of personal
identity, the signature, and see how it is now interfaced and multiform.
What used to be the most intimate, chosen mark of our self is now devolved
to sets of electronic sequences, usually encoded, sometimes automatically
generated, at times delegated, occasionally even produced without our
prior knowledge. This is no trifling matter: will the subject, through
these new technologies of self-inscription, turn into an avatar? What new
interplay between the individual and the institutions (libraries,
archives, universities) arises through this collective writing process?
One may also consider the legal consequences for the atomised self, who
finds herself encoded into binary data within the cloud, and whose history
is archived and exposed publicly to an extent she may not control. How is
tele-scription played out in fiction, in arts or in our daily activities
(such as email)? Where does it come from? How and why was it established?
What are its uses? And crucially, what does it change -if indeed it
changes anything- in the relation of the subject and her body to writing?
Could tele-scription renew our understanding of what constitutes a
In-scription then. Or re-inscription. While writing shifts to the screen,
another major contemporary trend, fuelled by the advances of neuroscience
and medical imagery, re-ascribes the advent of meaning to the body, more
specifically to the brain which is to be made legible. Reading the mind by
reading the brain, drawing from what we can now access in terms of
neuronal activity, this is largely today's scientific agenda. A number of
recent experiments in neuroscience focus on imagination and on how humans
craft fiction. Some may try to catch what we do as we dream, or as we let
our thoughts roam free; some intend to detect lie; some strive to build a
"brain reading machine" which would ideally display on screen all that
goes on inside our minds. It all rests upon the assumption that who the
person really is, her intentions, the images she likes, her biases, even
that part of her she may not be aware of, are inscribed in her brain, set
into patterns we do not have direct access to but that a machine may read
and decipher. What is happening in the field of neuroscience and how is it
echoed in fiction? For fiction - literature, the cinema, philosophical
thought experiments, all these traditions that largely pre-date
neuroscience - provide us with the tools to explore the workings of the
mind through the body of the subject. How can we make sense of this
re-inscription, being contemporary to digital tele-scription?

Tags:  subject, self, brain, mind, digital technologies, writing,
signature, annotation, imagery.