

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session to be held at the 2013 AGU Fall meeting.

Innovative approaches to constraining lithospheric deformation in space and time (T017)

Advances in geochronology, thermochronology, and geodesy have yielded rates of deformation, exhumation and erosion over a range of lithospheric depths and timescales. These datasets highlight the interplay between steady and episodic processes in lithospheric deformation. Directly dating this deformation (e.g., brittle faulting, crustal flow and past coseismic displacements) remains a challenge. Similarly, interpreting how transient events interact with longer-term geologic processes is an outstanding issue. We invite submissions applying innovative geochronologic, thermochronologic, paleoseismic, geomorphic and/or geodetic tools to quantify dates and rates of deformation spanning temporal and spatial scales.

The invited speakers are:

Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State University
Tim Dixon, University of South Florida
Emily Peterman, Bowdoin College
Ben van der Pluijm, University of Michigan

We hope you will consider submitting an abstract to our session.  The deadline for submission of abstracts is August 6.

Kristin Morell, University of Melbourne, [log in to unmask]
Alexis Ault, University of Arizona, [log in to unmask]

Dr. Kristin Morell
Research Fellow
University of Melbourne
School of Earth Sciences
McCoy Building
Melbourne, Victoria 3010

mobile: +61 466 611 226