

Hi there,

have you used original (i.e. not betted data) for fnirt? And what configuration file have you used?


On 9 Jul 2013, at 15:04, Stéphane Jacobs wrote:

> Hello,
> I use FNIRT with default settings to register my anatomicals to the standard space, and am not completely happy with the result for some subjects.
> The calibration of functional data to the highres anatomical is done using the BBR option, and woks fine. But when I look at the highres2standard output, I see some local distorions, especially in the parietal region, i.e. some spikes poking outside of the standard template. These distorsions are of course passed on to the example_func2standard registration, and the output shows the same deformations. I have put the images for the 3 registrations here:
> Could someone have a look and tell me what I can do to fix this?
> Many thanks for the help, and best regards
> Stephane