


The error in the attachment just looks like you have the mask image in the wrong directory.  You must specify exactly where to find the mask (if it is not in the current working directory).

The error below looks like nothing survived the threshold.  Have you loaded the image thresh_TEST into fslview and checked that it contains values greater than your threshold (of 2.3)?

All the best,

On 4 Jul 2013, at 12:55, Laura Mega <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear FSL community,
> I'm trying to re-analyze some data by doing a conjunction analysis of two images. I've used the easy thresh_conj script thankfully provided by Thomas Nichols previously and it worked quite well. For some reason though, this time I'm either getting the following error message (when trying to specify a different directory for the outputfiles to go into, or calling the easy thresh_conj script from "outside" any feat directories): see attached screenshot
> Or this error message, if I just give a name for the output and let it be created in the same directory where I'm running the script:
> "/usr/local/fsl/fsl5.0.2/bin/cluster -i thresh_TEST -t 2.3 -p 0.05 --volume=153405 -d 0.0904645 -o cluster_mask_TEST --othresh=thresh_TEST
> No clusters to render!"
> Has anyone by chance come across a similar problem or knows what I am doing wrong here? Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
> Sincerely,
> Laura
> -- 
> Laura Mega, Dipl. Biology
> JRG Neural Basis of Intuition
> Werner Reichardt
> Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
> Otfried-Müller-Str. 25
> 72076 Tübingen<Bildschirmfoto 2013-07-04 um 1.58.52 PM.png>