

Dear FSL experts,

I am having a big problem I do not understand. I wanted to draw a ROI in
the medial frontal cortex (22-42-13). These are the coordinates for that
location that have been taken from a template in MNI space at a 4mm of

I followed these steps:

1. echo "22 42 13" | std2imgcoord -img MNI_4mm -std MNI_4mm -vox -
*17  42  21.25

*2. fslmaths MNI_4mm -mul 0 -add 1 -roi *17* 1 *42* 1 *21.25* 1 0 1 -kernel
sphere 10 -dilF medial_frontal_cortex_roi

3. fslmaths medial_frontal_cortex_roi  -thr 0.5 -bin

And the roi is created in the frontal pole instead than in the medial
frontal cortex...

Any of you could explain me where could be the problem?

Thanks a lot for your patience,
Yours sincerely,