

[Apologies for multiple copies]

*** ! Deadline has been extended until July 14th ! ***


Agent Technology, Human-Oriented Knowledge and Applications



Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 17, 2013

Workshop at the International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology


Call for Papers



Recent developments within Ambient Intelligence and Agent Technology
provide new possibilities to contribute to personal care. For example, an
intelligent ambient agent in our car may monitor us and warn us when we
are falling asleep while driving or take measures when we are too drunk to
drive. As another example, an elderly person may wear a device with an
ambient agent that monitors his or her wellbeing and offers support when a
dangerous situation is noticed.

Such Ambient Intelligence applications can be based on the one hand on
possibilities to acquire sensor information about humans and their
functioning, but on the other hand, more knowledgeable applications
crucially depend on the availability of adequate knowledge for analysis of
such information about human functioning. If such knowledge about human
functioning is computationally available in intelligent software/hardware
agents within devices in the environment, these agents can show more
human-like understanding and contribute to personal care based on this

In recent years, scientific areas focusing on human functioning such as
cognitive science, psychology, social sciences, neuroscience and
biomedical sciences have made substantial progress in providing an
increased insight in the various physical and mental aspects of human
functioning. Although much work still remains to be done, models have been
developed for a variety of such aspects and the way in which humans
(try to) manage or regulate them. From a more biomedical angle, examples
of such aspects are (management of) heart functioning, diabetes, eating
regulation disorders, and HIV-infection. From a more psychological and
social angle, examples are emotion regulation, emotion contagion,
attention regulation, addiction management, trust management, and stress

If models of human processes and their management are represented in a
formal and computational format, and incorporated in the human environment
in agents that monitor the physical and mental state of the human, then
such ambient agents are able to perform a more in-depth analysis of the
human's functioning. An agent-based ambience is created that has a
human-like understanding of humans, based on computationally formalised
knowledge from the human-directed disciplines, and that may be more
effective in assisting humans by offering support in a knowledgeable
manner that may improve their wellbeing and/or performance, without
reducing them in their freedom.

This may concern elderly people, medical patients, but also humans in
highly demanding circumstances or tasks. For example, the workspaces of
naval officers may include systems that, among others, track their eye
movements and characteristics of incoming stimuli (e.g., airplanes on a
radar screen), and use this information in a computational model that is
able to estimate where their attention is focussed at. When it turns out
that an officer neglects parts of a radar screen, such a system can either
indicate this to the person, or arrange on the background that another
person or computer system takes care of this neglected part. Similarly,
such intelligent agent-based assistants may play a role in providing
support to groups of people, e.g., to help coordinate the evacuation of
large crowds in case of an emergency, or to optimise the performance of
teams in sports or in organisations.


This workshop series addresses multidisciplinary aspects of Ambient
Intelligence and Agent Systems with human-directed disciplines such as
psychology, social science, neuroscience and biomedical sciences. The
first workshop in the series (HAI'07) took place at the European
Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI'07), in Darmstadt, Germany,
November 2007. Since then, the workshop has been held in Sydney,
Australia (hosted by IAT'08), Milan, Italy (IAT'09), Toronto, Canada (IAT'10),
Lyon, France (IAT'11), and Pisa, Italy (AmI'12). The aim of the workshop
series is to get researchers together from these human-directed disciplines
or working on cross connections of Ambient Intelligence with these
disciplines. The focus is on the use of knowledge from these disciplines in
Ambient Intelligence applications, in order to take care of and support
in a knowledgeable manner humans in their daily living in medical,
psychological and social respects.

The workshop can play an important role, for example, to get modellers in
the psychological, neurological, social or biomedical disciplines
interested in agent-based Ambient Intelligence as a high-potential
application area for their models, and, for example, get inspiration for
problem areas to be addressed for further developments in their
disciplines. From the other side, the workshop may make researchers in
Ambient Intelligence, Agent Systems, and Artificial Intelligence more
aware of the possibilities to incorporate more substantial knowledge from
the psychological, neurological, social and biomedical disciplines in
ambient agent architectures and applications. As part of the interaction,
specifications may be generated for experiments to be addressed by the
human-directed sciences.

Some of the areas of interest

* human-aware computing

* computational modelling of cognitive, neurological, social and
biomedical processes for Ambient Intelligence

* modelling emotion and mood and their regulation

* modelling contagion of mental states (e.g., beliefs, intentions or

* social awareness modelling

* collecting and analysing histories of behaviour

* computational modelling of mindreading, theory of mind

* building profiles; user modelling in Ambient Intelligence

* sensoring; e.g., tracking physiological states, gaze, body movements,

* sensor information integration methods

* analysis of sensor information; e.g., voice and skin analysis with
respect to emotional states, gesture analysis, heart rate analysis

* environmental modelling

* situational awareness

* model-based reasoning and analysis techniques for Ambient Intelligence

* responsive and adaptive systems; machine learning

* cognitive agent models

* reflective ambient agent architectures

* multi-agent system architectures for Ambient Intelligence applications

* human interaction with devices

* wearable devices for ambient health and wellness monitoring

* brain-computer interfacing

* analysis and design of applications to care for humans in need of
support for physical and mental health; e.g., elderly or psychiatric care,
surveillance, penitentiary care, humans in need of regular medical or
psychological care, support for psychotherapeutical/self-help communities

* analysis and design of applications to support humans in demanding
circumstances and tasks, such as warfare officers, air traffic
controllers, crisis and disaster managers, humans in space missions

* evaluation studies

* handling aspects of privacy and security

* philosophical, ethical, and political aspects of Ambient Intelligence

Submission and Proceedings

Papers can be submitted in the IEEE 2-column format (see the IEEE Computer
Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines, as for the IAT'13
conference). Maximum length for submission is 4 pages, although it will
be possible to buy one additional page. Double submission is allowed
(for example, for papers submitted to the main conference IAT'13),
but inclusion in the proceedings requires that the paper was and is not
published elsewhere. The workshop proceedings will be published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press and will be available at the workshop. More
submission details will follow at the workshop's Website:


For every accepted paper at least one author has to register for the WI /
IAT-2013 conference. There is no separate workshop registration fee (i.e.,
only one conference registration covers everything).

Important Dates

Submission deadline                   July 14, 2013 (EXTENDED)

Notification                          July 28, 2013

Camera ready papers                   August 11, 2013

Workshop                              November 17, 2013

Coordination Commitee

Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University London, School of Engineering
and Information Sciences)

Tibor Bosse (contact person, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Agent Systems
Research Group)

Cristiano Castelfranchi (CNR Rome, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and

Diane Cook (Washington State University, USA)

Mark Neerincx (TNO Human Factors; Technical University Delft,
Man-Machine Interaction)

Fariba Sadri (Imperial College, Department of Computing)

Programme Committee

Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University London, School of Engineering
and Information Sciences)

Marc Böhlen (State University of New York, USA)

Tibor Bosse (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Agent Systems Research Group)

Antonio Camurri (University of Genoa, InfoMus Lab)

Cristiano Castelfranchi (CNR Rome, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and

Diane Cook (Washington State University, USA)

Hao-Hua Chu (National Taiwan University, Ubicomp Lab, Taiwan)

Rino Falcone (CNR Rome, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies)

Aart van Halteren (Philips Research, Consumer Electronics, The Netherlands)

Dirk Heylen (University of Twente, Human Media Interaction)

Peter Leijdekkers (University of Technology Sydney, Mobile Ubiquitous
Services & Technologies Group, Australia)

Paul Lukowicz (Austrian University for Health Sciences, Medical
Informatics and Technology)

Silvia Miksch (Danube University Krems, Department of Information and
Knowledge Engineering)

Neelam Naikar (Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Centre for
Cognitive Work and Safety Analysis, Australia)

Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University, Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing
Lab, Japan)

Mark Neerincx (TNO Human Factors; Technical University Delft, Man-Machine

Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University, Department of Intelligence Science and
Technology, Japan)

Steffen Pauws (Philips Research Europe, Media Interaction Department,

Christian Peter (Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria;
Fraunhofer IGD, Rostock, Germany)

Nitendra Rajput (IBM Research, Telecom Research Innovation Center, India)

Peter Roelofsma (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ambient Assisted Living Group)

Tomasz M. Rutkowski (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Fariba Sadri (Imperial College, Department of Computing)

Maarten Sierhuis (NASA Ames Research Center, Human-Centered Computing,

Elizabeth Sklar (City University of New York, Brooklyn College, Dept of
Computer and Information Science)

WenZhan Song (Georgia State University, Department of Computer Science)

Ron Sun (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Cognitive Science Department)

Bruce H. Thomas (University of South Australia Mawson Lakes, Wearable
Computer Lab, Australia)

Jan Treur (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Agent Systems Research Group)