

with apologies for any cross posting

I'm delighted to say that the interdisciplinary special issue of the Taylor and Francis journal Culture and Organization, edited by Garance Marechal, myself and Iain Munro on The Territorial Organization is now available online, 

 The issue attempts to bring together a number of disciplines under a critical perspective - organizational sociology, anthropology, geography, literary criticism and philosophy among them - to explore how the concept of territory has been understood and can be rethought in relation to 21st century organizing.

We hope it will interest many people on this list - our extended introductory essay on the shape of the field we hope will be generally useful. Link and contents are below.

Any feedback would be very welcome.

Special Issue: The Territorial Organization
Culture and Organization 19, 3

pages 185-208

‘We are still in the desert’: Diaspora and the (de)territorialization of identity in discursive representations of the US soldier

Joshua Ewalt & Jessy Ohl
pages 209-226

The production of chemical worlds: Territory and field science in global agribusiness

Karl Palmås
pages 227-241

Subterranean subalterns: Territorialisation, deterritorialisation, and the aesthetics of mining

Jonathan Paquette & Aurélie Lacassagne
pages 242-260

Book review essay: The territorial nature of organization studies

Mark Hughes
pages 261-274

Professor Stephen A. Linstead DLitt. AcSS FRSA
Director of Postgraduate Research and
Director of the Centre for the Study of Working Lives
The York Management School
Freboys Lane
YO10 5GD