This is not true. The recent discussion about Salt was very helpful and constructive. The list has always been about discussion as much as it has been about advertising events and books - in its heyday it was essentially a discussion list. Yes, very often discussions might end in barnies and name-calling, but not always by any means. Lighten up Seamus. A list is what its contributing members make it.

And as far as I can tell David Lace has never in the past been nasty in any posts. I really don't know why he got into that wholly unnecessary exchange with Geraldine or why he was being so stubborn and rude - perhaps the heat had something to do with it.


Tim A.
On 23 Jul 2013, at 19:23, Séamas Cain wrote:

I do grow increasingly tired of contrived debates and "discussions" on
this list.  Invariably these "discussions" collapse into nothing but
name-calling and insult, manipulation, or mere superficiality.