

John Clare in Space: Poetry, Nature and Contemporary Culture 150th Anniversary Conference
30–31 May 2014, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK

This two-day conference seeks to explore the work, life, contexts and culture of the English poet, John Clare (1793–1864). Clare died in Northampton on 20 May 1864. 150 years after his death, delegates are asked to explore the places and spaces of Clare’s life and work, and the broad dimensions of his engagement with traditions across literary, rural and folk cultures, and to investigate the reasons Clare might be increasingly relevant to contemporary culture.

Confirmed speakers
Jonathan Bate
Josie Long
Richard Mabey
David Morley
Iain Sinclair

The conference will feature an array of responses to Clare: academic and creative; critical and expressive; historical and contemporary. Any and all proposals to present at the conference on Clare and related topics are welcome.

More details online:

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