Amended owing to change in salary scale


NIHR Research Methods Fellowship in Medical Statistics


A National Institute for Health Research Methods Fellowship in Medical Statistics is available for a highly-talented individual who is seeking two years of research training. The Fellowship is collaboration between the Wounds Research Group in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work and the Centre for Biostatistics. The fellowship focuses on developing skills and expertise in Medical Statistics and will be jointly supervised by Chris Roberts (Professor of Biostatistics) and Nicky Cullum (Professor of Nursing). 


The fellowship will provide 2 years of dedicated time for the fellow to undertake post-graduate level training in medical statistics, whilst gaining experience in a high-quality multi-disciplinary research environment. There will be an opportunity to carry-out statistical analyses on a broad range of quantitative medical research studies including clinical trials, meta-analyses, diagnostic methods and epidemiological studies. The fellow will participate in a number of substantive projects in wound care research. This will include the analysis of data from a large longitudinal study of healing in complex wounds, meta-analysis of wound studies, and causal modelling in data from large trials of venous ulcer therapies.


Further Particulars




Closing date :19/07/2013

Reference :M&HS-03004

Faculty / Organisational unit :Medical & Human Sciences

School / Directorate :School of Nursing Midwifery & Social Work

Division :Nursing & Midwifery

Salary :£24,520 to £28,401 (Grade 5) £29,541 to £36,298 (Grade 6) per annum according to relevant experience

Employment type :Fixed Term

Duration:until 31 August 2015

Hours per week :Full time

Location :Oxford Road, Manchester


Informal enquiries

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Chris Roberts or Professor Nicky Cullum:

Email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

The University of Manchester values a diverse workforce and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.



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