

I've done the exact same thing.

I set it up as one module  that did the lot i.e. I include it in a node 
manifest and then that node is enabled for logging in via ldap.

The file structure I had along with the important bits is below. I did 
it in a noddy way and just completely replace the pam.d stuff with the 
right files for our setup. All the machines have the same config so I 
didn't bother trying to use sed or augeas or whatever to change files on 
the box in place. Simple but it works.

Note that I also use the pam module. Since enabling ldap 
allows anyone from the entire uni to log into the machine, I use 
homecheck coupled with controlling what home dirs I setup so that only 
users who have a home dir set up locally on the machine can log in.

Our ldap server return something like /home/a/ab/abc123 for the homedir. 
On a machine I will then create symbolic links in /home such that 
/home/a/ab/abc123 actually points to /mn/nfs1/home/abc123.

That redirection coupled with the homecheck pam module gives us an extra 
layer of security to lock down the boxes.

I have the ad_login directory in /etc/puppet/modules. Here is the 


class ad_login {
     include ad_login::install, ad_login::config, ad_login::service


class ad_login::service {

     # ensure sssd is running
     service { "sssd" :
         ensure     => running,
         hasstatus  => true,
         hasrestart => true,
         enable     => true,
         require    => Class["ad_login::config"],

class ad_login::install {

     # ensure package sssd is installed
     package { 'sssd':
         ensure => installed,

class ad_login::config {

     # get the correct sssd.conf in place
     file { "/etc/sssd/sssd.conf":
         mode    => 600,
         owner   => root,
         group   => root,
         source  => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/sssd.conf",
         require => Class["ad_login::install"],
         notify  => Class["ad_login::service"],

     # get the correct nssswitch in place
     file { "/etc/nsswitch.conf":
         mode  => 644,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/nsswitch.conf",

     # get the correct pam.d files in place
     file { "/etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac":
         mode  => 644,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/system-auth-ac",

     file { "/etc/pam.d/password-auth-ac":
         mode  => 644,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/password-auth-ac",

     file { "/etc/pam.d/fingerprint-auth-ac":
         mode  => 644,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/fingerprint-auth-ac",

     file { "/etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth-ac":
         mode  => 644,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/smartcard-auth-ac",

     file { "/lib64/security/":
         mode  => 755,
         owner => root,
         group => root,
         source => "puppet:///modules/ad_login/",



On 28/06/13 11:52, Chris Brew wrote:
> Hi,
> Since we haven't yet constituted a Puppet Working Group I'll ask here.
> I've created puppet code to set up ldap authentication on an SL6 box and I'm trying to work out the best way to structure this into modules.
> It needs to touch various parts of the OS, setting up the sssd service, adding entries into various pam files, messing with nsswitch.conf, passwd, groups and shadow.
> Is it better to split this into separate modules say for sssd, pam, etc or keep everything in one big ldapauth module?
> Thanks,
> Chris.