

This would do it:
    defs = matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs;

Essentially, you could create a structure like the following:

defs.comp{1}.inv.comp{1}.def = {'C:test\y_def.nii'};
defs.comp{1} = {'C:\test\patient.nii,1'};
defs.ofname = 'invdef';
defs.fnames = {'C:\test\mask.nii,1'};
defs.savedir.savepwd = 1;
defs.interp = 1;

Best regards,

On 5 June 2013 16:10, Catharina Lange <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am working with SPM8. After stereotactical normalisation, I searched for a way to invert the transformation to apply the inverse to some masks. The Deformation Utility generated quite satisfying results.
> Now, I want to "implement" or include these work flows (writing deformations as an nifti image, inverting the deformation field and applying it to my mask) into my matlab routine.
> I found the function "spm_defs.m" with the explanation "Various deformation field utilities" and a reference to "spm_config_defs.m" and "spm_jobman".
> Additionally, I've already saved the scripts of the batch editor (after successfully running the above mentioned deformation work flows) and had a look into them.
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.comp{1}.inv.comp{1}.def = {'C:test\y_def.nii'};
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.comp{1} = {'C:\test\patient.nii,1'};
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.ofname = 'invdef';
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.fnames = {'C:\test\mask.nii,1'};
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.savedir.savepwd = 1;
> matlabbatch{1}.spm.util.defs.interp = 1;
> and so on...
> I am no Matlab expert, so I hope, someone could give me a hint, which Matlab functions of the Deformation Utility have to used or respectively in which way I have to implement the "jobs" with the "jobman".
> Thank you very much in advance for your answers!
> Best regards,
> Catharina.