Dear All,

Regarding Brian Harris's question about the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War:

The question of a 1914 Conference was raised at Council last year, and I had already approached the University of Sussex regarding such an event. Some academic staff there have shown real interest, but the organisation of an academic Conference involves a huge amount of work at the University itself, as Jan Montefiore can say. Certainly, preliminary calls for papers would have to be out fairly soon.

The centenary, and those of successive battles, will be a major interest of our media, and many institutions are already committed to programmes of interest. We certainly need to be prepared for an onslaught of comment (and misinformation)...

 Best regards,


John Walker
Honorary Librarian
The Kipling Society

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:17 AM, JOHN RADCLIFFE <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I hope we can move with the agility of a hare once we have decided what might be done !  And if there is to be a conference of some sort in the UK we probably need to be thinking about it soon. Perhaps for discussion at the AGM in July. and in the meantime all thoughts welcome.
All best wishes, John R

From: Brian Harris <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 10 June 2013, 9:41
Subject: 1914

There is of course plenty of time until August 1914, but my point was that the official commemoration has already begun. (A minister was on the Today programme today.)
And publishers move with the speed of a rheumatoid tortoise.