

Here are the quotations for the coming week (June 16th to 22nd):
1.  ... At the end of the garden stood a hedge of flaming poinsettias higher than anything in the world, because, childlike … (his) … eye could not carry to the tops of the mango trees. Their green went out against the blue sky, but the red poinsettias he could just see … as his legs grew under him, he found that by scaling an enormous rampart - three foot of broken-down mud wall at the end of the garden - he could come into a ready-made kingdom, where everyone was his slave… 
 2.  '... Ditta Mull says, “Always fresh takkus and paying money to vakils and chaprassis and law-courts every five years, or else the landlord makes me go. Why do I want to go? Am I a fool? If I am a fool and do not know, after forty years, good land when I see it, let me die! But if the new bundobust says for fifteen years, that is good and wise...' 
 3.  'I have taken your keys away from that fat foreigner, and sent him away; and the studs are in the shirt for mess. Who should know if I do not know ? And so the baby has become a man, and forgets his nurse; but my nephew shall make a good servant, or I will beat him twice a day'…  
The sources of the last set of extracts (June 2nd to 8th) are as follows:
1.  (...…Here, under the guidance of the inky apprentice, he had learned to find his way more or less circuitously about the case, and considered himself an expert compositor. )  This is from "The Last Term" in Stalky & Co. 
2.  (...Keller was insolent with joy. He was going to cable from Southampton to the New York World, mail his account to America on the same day, paralyse London with his three columns of loosely knitted headlines...)  This is from "A Matter of Fact" in Many Inventions. 
3.  (......It was a shade cooler in the press-room than the office, so I sat there, while the type ticked and clicked, and the night-jars hooted at the windows...)  This is from "The Man who Would be King" in Wee Willie Winkie. 
Good midsummer wishes to all
John R