

Congratulations Delysia! It's been a long wait and I am sure you are thrilled.

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On 7 Jun 2013, at 14:12, Jack Whitehead <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dr. Delysia Timm of Durban University of Technology is the latest practitioner-researcher to offer her living-theory doctorate as a gift. You can access Delysia's thesis from:
> Delysia includes the following point in her Abstract of her research into her own practice:
> "I have described my living spiritual and living educational theory as one where human learning happens when there is joy-filled love and love-filled joy within a safe community of practice. Within this safe community of practice, at least three aspects are argued to be features of whole-being-learning: 
> * the relationships between the learners, their teachers and the subject are characterised by joy-filled love and love filled joy. 
> * the talents and gifts of both the learners and the teachers are explored, celebrated, and used for inclusive benefit. 
> * the knowledges of, about, and between, learners and teachers become integrated and coherent. "
> Love Jack.