

CILIP Information Services Group (London & South East Section) has arranged two library visits this summer. Places are limited, so please book early to make sure of a place.


Tour of the new Clapham Public Library on Wednesday June 12th, starting at 2pm

Lambeth Council opened this brand new library in Clapham in July 2012. London architects Studio Egret West have said they took their inspiration for the design from Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum. This has resulted in the creation of a stunning, award winning innovative mixed-use space which houses the library, residential apartments, a medical centre and leisure facility. If you haven’t already visited this new library, now is your chance.

There are just 7 places available for this tour which will last about 2 hours.

If you would like to book a place, please contact Eveleen Rooney at [log in to unmask].

Tour of the new Canada Water Public Library on Wednesday July 10th, starting at 2pm

This Southwark public library, built in the style of an inverted pyramid, has recently celebrated its first birthday.  “The building celebrates its brilliant location on a new public square, next to a bus and tube station and overlooking Canada Water basin. The library is an indoor public space open to everyone, where you find wonderful things you weren’t necessarily looking for. It is a futuristic Pandora’s box of possibilities.”

The tour will take about an hour. There are 15 spaces available. If you would like to book a place, please contact Peter Collins ([log in to unmask])


Anne Hayward

Hon. Treasurer CILIP ISG L&SE