

Here are some questions arising, in case anybody is looking for _useful_ distractions this Tuesday morning. Please feel free to answer one or many questions, or more importantly any important questions that are not included here. 

PART ONE. This part tests surface learning, providing token points to veterans and historians.

1. Who were the keynote speakers at the LDHEN conferences 2003-2007?
2. What was the theme of each LDHEN/ALDinHE conference 2003-2005?
3. Explain the history of learning development emerging as a distinct practice from the formation of LDHEN onward.

Clue: the answers are not here:

PART TWO. This requires a bit more creativity and courage to begin a tentative response that might be incomplete.

1. Succinctly explain the 'developmental model(s)' of LD with reference to academic theory.

The answer sheet can be found here:

PART THREE. Getting into detail - for the academic credentials.

1. How do the following areas of research inform learning development?
- Academic literacies
- The student experience; transitions into HE
- Feedback; self-regulation
- Linguistics
- Any others

Great to see more people contributing (check the edit History!)