

Hi All,

I'm a little confused how the output of bedpostx is used as the input for probtrackx.  From what I understand, each voxel's probability distribution function is calculated independently.  How then, for instance, would I be able to view a PDF for one voxel?  I ultimately would like to view a probability vs. angle plot for each voxel.  I've tried overlaying the dyads1/dyads2 files (as lines) over my FA map, but I didn't find this to be very informative to what probtrackx would do to choose.    

From this, shouldn't the PDF in the corpus callosum voxel have high kurtosis whereas voxels within more complex fiber geometry would have lower kurtosis within the PDF?  

Also, how does the sampling in probtrackx work exactly when there are crossing fibers within the voxel?  Are the PDFs for each direction summed and the sampling is done from both of these? 
