


Instead of using fslroi, which crops the image, you can use the -roi option in fslmaths, which zeroes everything outside the roi. Anyhow, this produces a cubic mask, if this is what you need.

good luck,

On 06/03/2013 02:28 PM, LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
hi all
        i used fslroi on a brainstem binary mask (that i extracted from freesurfer) to extract the pons :
            fslroi tcpr1_mask.nii.gz pons.nii.gz 0 255 153 26 0 255.
the result is of course a mask of the pons but of just 26 slices in the y direction

How can i produce a mask of the pons (extracted from the brainstem) with the same dimensions (256x256x256) as the brainstem mask

thanks for help