Hi Jen


I currently use the SIMS exams package and it seats great and really easily.   It is impossible to seat anyone at the same time as another person in the same seat and when the allocation in that room is complete, that’s it, the room is full and it wont let you put anyone else in there.  Then I export the summary timetable into excel and assign invigilators that way.  The only thing to remember is that when you do changes for broken arms or because people don’t like their seat (yes we have that a lot) you have to remember to manually change the invigilator copy because it wont automatically update.


Unfortunately, while I can extoll the virtues of the SIMS system for quite a while, I have seated my last exam season with this package and after result day will be using Bromcom – any help/advice/words of wisdom on this package would be really helpful.


Best wishes





Mrs Anna Grantham

Examinations Officer

Hinchingbrooke School


Telephone: 01480 375700 Ext 5706




From: The FE Exams Network mailing list [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jennifer Henry
Sent: 25 June 2013 16:14
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Timetable




Just wondering how you all manage timetabling. We have had lots of issues with invigilators and double, treble bookings across our sites.


How do you all manage issues surrounding timetabling and allocations of invigilators? Do you all use your MIS systems or do you use an excel spread sheet ?Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


Kind regards  


Jen Henry

Examinations Officer

North Hertfordshire College: We aim to be recognised for outstanding teaching and exceptional customer service.

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