

Dear Bernhard,

I'm using Coot version 0.7 for Mac OS X (the one from Bill Scott).

Best regards,


Am 19.06.13 10:13, schrieb Bernhard Lohkamp:
> Dear Dirk,
> I am not sure which program you are using ;-) , but Coot uses LEU mt
> Chi1 -65deg and Chi2 174deg and hence CD2 is not anywhere near N. Of
> course if you use chi2 angle of 51 the situation is different...
> I assume something else is going wrong here.
> B
>> Dear Tim,
>> the mt rotamer in Coot is simply wrong: I really need quite frequently
>> the correct mt rotamer from Richardson's penultimate rotamer library,
>> which Coot should be using, according to its documentation. The Coot mt
>> Chi angles -65, 51 lead to a close contact of CD2 with N of 2.9 A.
>> The correct mt rotamer with Chi-angles -65, 175 have no close contacts:
>> CD1-N: 3.7 A, CD2-N: 4.6 A. And it really "looks" correct.
>> Best regards,
>> Dirk.
>> Am 18.06.13 22:52, schrieb Tim Gruene:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Dear Dirk,
>>> it may simply be a different definition of the angles - when I set
>>> chi2 to 175 degree in the coot mt-rotamer, the CD1 atom is in eclipse
>>> position with the N atom, so this is probably not a rotamer! You may
>>> have a reason for flagging one setting wronger than another?
>>> Best,
>>> Tim
>>> On 06/18/2013 08:11 PM, Dirk Kostrewa wrote:
>>>> Dear Paul,
>>>> the leucine "mt" rotamer in Coot 0.7 appears to be wrong: the
>>>> Richardson penultimate rotamer library says for leucine "mt"
>>>> Chi1=-65, Chi2=175, but if I choose the leucine "mt" rotamer in
>>>> Coot, the resulting Chi angles are Chi1=-65, Chi2=51. Could you
>>>> please check this?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Dirk.
>>> - --
>>> Dr Tim Gruene
>>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>>> Tammannstr. 4
>>> D-37077 Goettingen
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Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone: 	+49-89-2180-76845
Fax: 	+49-89-2180-76999
E-mail:	[log in to unmask]