

Please see below info about various funded PhD opportunities around Human Rights in Portugal.  All best, Sally

The programme is funded by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with 5 full Doctoral Grants, to be awarded to students based on their adequacy to the evaluation criteria when applying for the programme. CES also provides the resources to support students’ applications to other national or international funding schemes.

Why human rights today?

Human rights have become one of the most important fields of academic and juridical-political-cultural discourses in recent decades. The emergence of new forms of international and national power relations has been accompanied by the quest for related adjustments in the field of human rights. In this context, international human rights norms and discourses have been appropriated, transformed and/or contested by social groups, movements, governments, intergovernmental organizations and even corporations in different regional, national and local contexts.

Why CES?

The doctoral programme is offered jointly by CES and the University of Coimbra, both of which are recognized as high profile academic and research institutions.

This programme offers an interdisciplinary/intercultural/transnational approach to human rights and a cutting-edge post-graduate training in the history, internationalization, politics, and legalization of human rights as well as the cultural struggles over human rights.

Students benefit from a lively academic and research setting, with over 100 researchers and 300 doctoral students, with a variety of international projects, seminars and conferences taking place every year.

Full Study Plan

1st year, 1st semester

History of Human Rights and the North-South Divide (10 ECTS)
Theories and Politics of Human Rights: A critical Outlook (10 ECTS)
Scales and Practices of Human Rights: Legalization, Mobilization and Contestation (10 ECTS)

1st year, 2nd semester

Human Rights, Intercultural Diversity and Representation (10 ECTS)
Human Rights, Inequalities, Discrimination and Social Transformation (10 ECTS)
Human Rights, Development Policies and Globalizations: Contradictions and Alternatives (10 ECTS)

2nd year

Research Methodologies Seminar and thesis Project (25 ECTS)
Short-term internship (5 ECTS)
Thesis (30 ECTS)

3rd and 4rth years: Thesis








What our students say







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Ana Cristina Santos, PhD

Investigadora/ Senior Researcher
Centro de Estudos Sociais - Laboratório Associado,
Universidade de Coimbra<>

Honorary Research Fellow
Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London

Latest book: Social Movements and Sexual Citizenship in Southern Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013):