

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN – ‘Enhancing Impact, Inspiring Excellence: Collaborative Approaches between Archives and Universities’


A collaborative conference between the University of Birmingham and The National Archives, in association with Research Libraries UK


Generously supported by the Institute of Historical Research and Adlib Information Systems


4th September 2013, Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham


Registration is now open for this FREE conference exploring collaboration between archives and universities. The conference brings together archivists, academics, and students to discuss the ways in which archives and universities can work together, strengthen existing partnerships, and identify those for the future.


The conference will highlight the important role archives can play in supporting universities in teaching and research, the means of developing joint initiatives, and areas of future collaboration. It will showcase some of the varied work completed by the academic community when working with archives, in regards to both research and teaching.




Please go to:


[This site contains a full conference schedule, accommodation and travel information, and details of the registration process]


Topics to be explored include:


How partnerships can be forged

Archives and the student learning experience

Interdisciplinary approaches to collaboration

The role of archives within a university

Academic contribution to collections knowledge

Archives and the postgraduate learning experience

Digital partnerships


The conference will be followed by a reception and informal networking event at Birmingham University’s Heritage and Cultural Learning Hub.




Sue Worrall                                                    Matt Greenhall         

Director of Special Collections                       Engagement Manager           

University of Birmingham                              The National Archives


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