

Hello SPM Users,

I recently did a paired t test at the second level to look at the
differences between two within-suibject conditions. I also attempted to do
a one way within-subjects anova to compare the conditions; however I get
slightly different results. The differences aren't huge (there's not
completely different patterns of activation), but the cluster sizes
especially are a little different and one of the clusters present in the
ttest is not present in the anova. I was under the impression that a paired
ttest with two conditions and a within-subjects anova with two conditions
should yield the same results.

Can anyone articulate for me why there might be differences between the two?

I searched the SPM archives and it seems that when using the flexible
factorial design for a within-subjects anova, some people get slightly
different results than if they did a paired ttest. Does anyone know why?

Thank you,