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From: HEA <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: HEA Research and policy seminar on Academic Integrity

The Higher Education Academy is hosting a free seminar/webinar on 'Academic integrity: learning lessons and exploring tensions'<>.
Dr Erica Morris, Academic Lead for Assessment and Feedback and the HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) at the HEA will present this seminar on Tuesday 14 May.

Her presentation will look at the concept of academic integrity, including concerns about student plagiarism and collusion.

Dr Morris, who previously worked at The Open University, has recently returned from a national speaking tour for the Exemplary Academic Integrity Standards project in Australia.

The free event starts at 12:45 with a buffet lunch from 12:00. It is also available to watch online. Please click here to book a place on the seminar, either online or in person.<>

The seminar is one in a series organised by the HEA's Research and policy team.
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