

Apologies for x-posting. There is still time to register!

The School of Advanced Study of the University of London and the Sub-Faculty of Spanish of the University of Oxford, with the support of the Argentine Embassy London, present

Argentine Poetry Today: New Writing, New Readings

Senate House, London, Wed 5 June 2013. Room S261 (Second Floor)
This symposium brings together an international group of academics and poets to explore new tendencies and readings in Argentine poetry.
The last ten years have seen a surprising upsurge in poetic production and publishing in Argentina, in spite – or at times because – of the economic and political crisis of the early 2000s. Young writers, independent publishers, and new forms of diffusion have all emerged. Critics have developed innovative approaches, rethinking both the poetic tradition of the last 60 years and the very latest poetry there. This makes Argentine poetry today a fascinating subject for literary and cultural analysis.
10am Registration and welcome.
10.10am Keynote 1: Prof. Tamara Kamenszain, “Neobarroco, neobarroso, neoborroso: Derivas de la sucesión perlonghereana.” Discussant: Dr Ben Bollig (Oxford).
11am Coffee.
11.20: Panel 1: Poetry and Other Media. Chair: Dr Joanna Page (Cambridge).

Dr Luciana di Leone (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)), “Andi Nachón en Río de Janeiro” (Intercambios entre las poesías argentina y brasileña contemporáneas).

Prof. William Rowe (Birkbeck), “La poética de Aguas aéreas de Néstor Perlongher”.

Katherine Margaret Dunn (Edinburgh), “Testimonio in the Poetry of Alicia Partnoy: The Educational Role of the Testifier”.

12.50: Lunch (provided). Screening of Fases by Karin Idelson and Natalia Fortuny.
2.10pm: Keynote 2: Prof. Edgardo Dobry (U. Barcelona), “Política interior de la poesía argentina”. Discussant: Dr Jordana Blejmar (SAS).
3pm: Coffee.
3.15pm Panel 2: Origins of the New Poetry. Chair: Dr Ben Bollig.

Prof. Bernard McGuirk (Nottingham). “Choreographing the Intra-Colonial: Ball-Breaking machismo in Susana Thenon’s Ova Completa”.

Dr Ana Gloria Chouciño (Santiago de Compostela) “Voces para la memoria sin límite: la obra poética de Néstor Ponce”.

Dr Constanza Ceresa (UCL), “Poesía y revolución en la obra de Martín Gambarotta”.

Dr Maria Cecilia Grana (U. Verona), “La poética de Daniel Samoilovich en sus poemas largos: Comiquear, cincelar, recolectar, viajar, metamorfosear”.

4.45: Roundtable: Argentine Poetry in the UK. Chair: Dr Cecilia Rossi (UEA).
5.30: Wine reception & poetry reading. Chair: Dr Gwen MacKeith (KCL):
Tamara Kamenzsain (with Cecilia Rossi, reading from The Echo of My Mother, Waterloo Press).
Edgardo Dobry.
The organisers are most grateful to Ruta 40<> for providing the wine sponsorship
[Description: New Image.JPG]Argentinean Boutique Wine Specialist<>
Registration (includes lunch, refreshments, and reception): £20 (£10 concessions)
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>          [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (there is still time to register!)

The organisers would also like to draw your attention to the following events taking place in London the same week:
“La corriente de Humboldt: encuentro de poetas chilenos”, sponsored by the Chilean Embassy London. Poetry reading by contemporary Chilean poets, Instituto Cervantes, London, Tuesday 4 June at 7pm; and at Birkbeck College, Friday 7 June at 7pm. Participants in these events are entitled to free entry to this symposium.